Thursday 29 May 2014


5.1b.    Most persons today don’t know the formalities of setting up Co-operative Society, and because they want to get all benefits to themselves, they the write names of anybody they feel like in their Club Note or Membership Register and claim that they are his/her members. But from the co-operative design, who actually are qualified to member of the co-operative society?
a.  Membership:
      The membership shall consist of:-
(1)               Person who join in the application for registration
(2)               Person admitted in accordance with these bye-laws.

b.  Every member of the Society must be:-
(1)   Ordinarily resident in THE STATE. But a member who departs the field of membership of the Society, may retain his membership therein, but may not borrow there from in excess of his/her saving and share capitals;
(2)    Someone of good character;
(3)  Somebody that is not less than 18 years of age, except in the case of the minor heir of a
        deceased member and where the Director grants exemption from this qualification:
 (4)   Someone that is not already a member of any other Society of which the primary objectives  is to grant loans to its member, except with the permission of the Director.

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